doctor-led blood testing

The best way to be healthy

Discover how your blood results affect both your physical and mental performance.

Our doctors help you identify and prevent future health issues before they arise - turning complex data into simple, actionable insights.

Start today

Built for you.

  • Health risks

    Understand, anticipate and mitigate health risks.

  • Lifestyle support

    Access content and resources tailored to your needs.

  • Assigned doctor

    Get a lifestyle prescription and action plan from our health specialists.

  • Health monitoring

    Track and refine your lifestyle with precise insights.

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Understand your body before it’s too late.

Want to optimise your performance, prevent illness, or simply check in on your health? We've got you covered.

  • Preventative care

    Enhance your health and extend your longevity by proactively identifying early risks of heart attacks and strokes, and implementing proactive health measures.

    Learn more 
  • Performance for women

    Tailored for women aiming to exceed their limitations, assessing inflammation, hormones, and energy levels to maintain peak physical and mental performance.

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  • Performance for men

    Exclusively designed for men determined to surpass their limits, assessing your inflammation, hormones, and energy levels to maintain peak physical and mental performance.

    Learn more 

We’ll make it easy for you

We'll make it easy for you by guiding you through every step, ensuring your health journey is effortless.

1. Identify your needs

Looking to enhance your nutrition, fitness, productivity, relaxation, or simply ensure all is well with your health and other lifestyle areas?

Our health specialists are here to understand your needs, guide you and offer additional support.

How can we help

2. Effortless at-home blood tests

The convenient finger-prick blood tests allow you to understand your body from the comfort of your home. 

Each kit is shipped directly to you with clear instructions for a hassle-free experience. 

Perform your test, send it back to us, and receive comprehensive insights into your health in no time.

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3. Personalised health plan

The plans are meticulously crafted to align with your unique health goals and to optimise your wellbeing.

They provide you with a roadmap to achieve and maintain optimal health.

Speak to a specialist

4. Continuous tracking and improvement

Continually monitor your progress, capturing key health metrics to ensure that your journey is on the right track.

By regularly measuring your achievements, we guarantee a dynamic and responsive strategy that adapts to you, driving sustained health improvement and wellbeing over time.

Discover your healthiest version

Don't miss the chance to transform your life and protect your longevity.

You're home with us

We're here to uplift, assist, and walk beside you every step of the way towards a healthier, happier you.

  • Fuly accredited labs

  • Top-tier specialists

  • Fully regulated

  • Personalised, proactive and precision testing

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